Using Hotels
For some agencies, hotels are a critical piece of providing emergency shelter. Learn how to include them in the services you provide.
Use a member agency's forms (from A New Leaf in Mesa, AZ)
Responsibility form
Use this to share the rules clients must agree to and confirm by signing.
Hotel Information Sheet
Use this to record hotel and client information.
Blank Hotel Voucher
Use this to spell out the agreement between the client and the hotel.
Intake Checklist
Use this during intake to record client information and share program resources.

Getting Started
You've attended an orientation and set up your account. Now's the time to get comfortable with the Safe Shelter Collaborative. If you have questions, here are some suggestions on where to find answers.
Frequently Asked Questions
When we receive a question about the Safe Shelter Collaborative, we make sure to include it here. If you can't find an answer you seek, please get in touch.
Building Relationships With Hotels And Motels (recorded webinar)
Learn how the Carr P Collins Center in Dallas, TX -- a Safe Shelter Collaborative member -- developed a relationship with local hotels to provide emergency shelter for their clients.
This recording of a live webinar lasts 60 minutes. Watch as much as you can!

Getting the Word Out
Helpful tips on engaging your supporters
Building Your Donor Base (recorded webinar)
Learn how to develop a base of donors to support your work and requests made via the SafeNight app. Hear practical tips from an agency whose supporters use the SafeNight app to fund hotel stays.
Social Media Samples (also on the SafeNight web site)
Visit the Share page to find tweets and Facebook posts you can use or modify. Follow SafeNightapp on Twitter and retweet relevant tweets. Friend Caravan Studios on Facebook to learn of new ways we're talking about SafeNight and growing the SafeNight community.
Newsletter Archives
Find out what we've thought about by reading a past newsletter. If you'd like to receive future newsletters, please sign up.

Using the SafeNight App
Make sure your agency and your supporters have what they need.
Send donors to SafeNightapp.org
Make sure you send your supporters to SafeNightapp.org so they can download the app and start responding to your requests.
Messaging you can use to promote SafeNight
Cut, paste, use, and be inspired by these key points about the SafeNight app.
Preparing your organization to use SafeNight
Here are some tips on what to consider as you begin engaging supporters using the SafeNight app.