Tennessee Agencies Join the Safe Shelter Collaborative
Agencies across the state of Tennessee are now members of the Safe Shelter Collaborative, finding shelter faster for survivors of interpersonal violence. Along with the state planning committee, we are thrilled to support agencies as they work together to find shelter for survivors.
To-Dos for Agencies
Watch this video about the program
Watch this short video to get an overview of how the Safe Shelter Collaborative works for agencies across the U.S.
Visit the learn more page and browse this site for more information about the program.
Support, Always!
We are eager to help answer any questions, provide resources, or listen to feedback about the Safe Shelter Collaborative. You can reach us at support@safesheltercollaborative.org
Key people who are collaborating to support the Safe Shelter Collaborative
Becky Owens Bullard
Metro Nashville-Davidson County Office of Family Safety, Nashville, TN
Jennifer Escue
TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
Melissa Garrett
Genesis House, Cookville, TN
Chelsie Leonard
The McNabb Center, Knoxville, TN
Jenci Spradlin
WRAP (Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program), Jackson, TN
Kirsten Hipkins, Hannah McCarty, and Stephanie Reyes
Community Alliance for the Homeless, Memphis, TN
Christie Bevis, Program Manager
Supporting the
Safe Shelter